What people like myself watch during COVID…
Because who doesn’t watch venomous snakes that have the capacity to kill anyone with one bite be disemboweled, cooked and eaten? 😄🤷🏽♀️
It’s a delicacy for people in the region and I’m sure to some tourists, not sure if I’d personally ingest it unless I was starving and I’m saying that belonging to Asiatic and Melanesian peoples but to each their own. 🤷🏽♀️ Closest thing I’ve probably ever had was eel which yes I’m aware is not a sea snake. Brave chefs to handle those animals because sea snakes aside from highly venomous can also be aggressive and typically they’re cooked by boiling alive so hey again to each their own. Do you, it’s a thing there and in several cultures therefore 🤷🏽♀️ I don’t recall ever seeing it as much in Hawaii especially the highly built up and highly touristy islands but I’m sure if it was looked for enough a restaurant or market might have it again I never went out searching for it because it’s not my thing personally.