So a retardo peckerwood meth headed harassing narcopath is aware aside from reporting their 💩 to meta for a slew of violations including harassment I sent their mental 3 page post of sociopathic distorted word salad to the feds to attach to the federal case they will be prosecuted from. Retardos will be retardos they can get the hell off my social and stalking my life indefinitely. 🖕them. Don’t huff crack or shrooms. You’ll harass people from online like a 5 year old that have 0 to do with you and write diatribes making sh_ up picked from the lives of people you’re obsessed with. Mental doesn’t begin to cover it. Psycho and mental are not the same. They can mumble diatribes of junkiedom in federal court in an orange jumpsuit. Ignore insignificance and let federal law deal with a deranged spineless womanless narcopath p__y that sits on their a$$ behind a phone and computer that dwells in delusion/their distorted lack of reality. Reality is they’re not significant, they’re not relevant to anything, they don’t have fans, they have fake and troll accounts of mentally ill retardo beings that enable their narcopathic behavior, they’re not successful, they’re not a leader on a pedestal and never will be, truth is like Oakland trash they’re a mentally narcopathic pathetic broke a$$ lacking hygiene retardo that is obsessed with people, a loser, and seeks attention online and tech. They show their a$$ and look like fool. They’re a nobody that has 0 to offer in everybody’s face and can’t leave anybody alone that compares themselves to a fictional character on a Netflix show when they’re not important. They waste everyone’s brain capacity and lives on their harassment because they’re a loser at life. There’s a rationale they don’t have 💩 and make up off the wall stories online because they’re a loser. I posted the message to the agent working the case on the twitter and social they stalk but have been told to get off of since they seem to think they’re entitled and it’s some big joke.🖕 Them