“Where people go wrong in their destiny is they focus on the publicity but not the product (craft etc) but all publicity does in that case is expose you don’t have a quality product (craft etc) because you’re so focused on the publicity and attention not the product.” Loosely stated by Devon Franklin
The disease of everyone seeking to go viral and breeding off attention is not a healthy avenue to build a career let alone life. Views, likes, comments, etc does not fill an internal problem. You are who you are as an individual not what you do. Fame, recognition, money, awards, etc none of that means anything it doesn’t fill the human soul period. Just like attention it comes it goes, if you’re identified by that then there’s a real issue there. It’s not real. It’s like projection from others, you don’t have to screen what is projected onto you.
“Knowing who you are is about not attaching value to applause or critique.” Dr. Oscar Williams
You can’t place weight on applause or critique. Of course social media feeds that toxic syndrome.