Beings like that need to be in a facility because they’re obviously not wrapped nor functional in life. They’re about like Charles Manson territory of off in nowhere land thought. They really do need to check themselves in some place and stay there. The way they see things and the way they really are 2 totally different. They don’t gauge when people are doing everything to get rid of them or just ignoring them those types take it as something else that it’s not. Either way basically bottom line they like being annoying and something that would either require medicated to incapacitation level or put down they’re such a raving no cap lunatic. Aforesaid you see those types in con scenes and such that just harass, annoy, and stalk people. Their families are usually just as warped as them, coddled them, never got them any type of help and just let them wander around society hassling people. At most they’re the butt of the joke or being toyed with rather but it’s not what they often twist it to be. Basically those types cognitive mathematics are like this:
Harassed = Go away, leave me alone, constantly having to throw someone out to get rid of them, voiced harassment, XYZ
Not Wrapped = They want me, they love me, they’re jealous of me, we have a connection, etc etc.
When that’s not the reality. Essentially they have made up a whole scenario that doesn’t exist or warped it into some fantastical story of them at the center of it of course.
There was a film I spoke of years ago from 2011 called ,The Roommate, that probably couldn’t be made today but that sums up those types. Basically they’re a psycho to be blunt.