That moment of- Predator male from way back mumbling the usual BS they rip off from those they victimize and wannabe so badly.
Meu since they like to stalk/harass and follow me provably so all over the place: How about you go be someone’s female in prison? You did the crimes you’ll do the time or at least monitored heavily by law as they should’ve been doing all along. You’re done nobody trying to “silence” anything you’re a psycho , exploiter, a rapist, an extreme sexual harasser, a stalker, and a buffoon. You’re done you’re not the victim never were you’re a pathetic crypt keeper. You’re paying for all this I’ve been outspoken of for valid reasons and nobody cares who you think you are or know old crone … or rather not really know as everything is BS made up and photoshopped. You’re done. You’re nothing you’ve been done.” 🤷🏽‍♀️ What a dumb moron and d bag. Next