When you are a step closer to blasting this song in the ear of an Oakland predator and their imps I’ve been vocal of while they’re being dragged away in handcuffs to a federal penitentiary. I have my impact statement written. I will request at the close of my statement if I could conclude with “Not solely am I taking every last penny of yours you owe me and cost me in my career, life, etc but by the way don’t forget to drop the soap. There will be plenty of those that will have you ‘taking it up the a$$’ by force in prison. You will be well aware of what having your life ruined and taken away from you is. F_k you, you ugly decrepit Frankenstein son of puta you have habitually ruined the career that was mine not yours and tried your damnedest to ruin my life. Eternally f yourself.” Their imp doesn’t want to be cognizant of what my victim statement will be. They can act stupid in federal prison.
I’d be doing that gif wave like…