Unsurprisingly Trump has been acquitted once again for his blatant involvement in the insurgence of the Capital Building last month. This does not shock anyone who even has the most restricted knowledge of the corrupt system of the American republic. Since when have white perpetrators of higher socioeconomic backgrounds ever been held accountable for anything in America.. particularly against people of color? That is exactly who that attack was upon ultimately. America was built on principles to take, kill, and destroy anyone of color. It was built off the backs of Slaves, the Genocide of Indigenous peoples, and oppressing the disenfranchised in general. This is the harsh fact of America. The system has always been corrupt all the way at the pinnacle of the political system down to more localized authority. Defunding police is just one small aspect of a much larger problem. Basically the Senate gave license and allowance to a vast issue in the United States in acquitting Trump once again. They sent the message of it is entirely excusable to commit crimes as long as the perpetrator has money, the right skin complexion, and or male (that’s an extra bonus!) then one can do whatever they want in complete impunity. That has always been the issue in America. This decision only emboldens the classist, racist, xenophobic republic of America to continue to thrive in it’s sickness. That is why Human Rights Attorneys such as ,Lee Merritt, delivered a bold speech during I believe it was a Black Lives Matter rally. As Merritt put so eloquently the whole system has been operating exactly the way it was designed to operate and it really needs to be torn down entirely to build a new, more just one.
Short hand of this post is where there is corrupt unjust leadership there is corruption and injustice all the way down the line. It’s the iceberg syndrome effect essentially.
“I don’t believe we need anymore thoughtful attorneys hoping to reform a ‘broken’ criminal justice system. It is NOT ‘broken’ it is operating exactly how it was designed to operate. When ,Derek Chauvin, looked into that camera the way I’m looking into these cameras he knew he would likely get away with it despite him being recorded because the system doesn’t need anymore attorneys hoping to fix a ‘broken’ system. They need radical lawyers, radical artists, radical people hoping to burn it down and build a new one.” Attorney Lee Merritt