Affects of Alcohol
It really is unfortunate and terrible what happens to the bodies of those who essentially put poison into it. Matter of fact recent studies have shown that alcohol like narcotics are toxic to the body. There is no health benefit to it. The medical field is diagnosing more and more young people even with neurological, cognitive, physical issues and or even mental issues due to brain damage which have their basis in alcohol usage especially extreme alcohol ingestion at any point through consumers lives. A glass of red wine for Women over a certain age here and there is one thing, that has a health benefit to it but to be an intoxicated falling down drunk or close to it is another. Rule of thumb as any doctor in any expertise will show as with any unhealthy behavior if consumers have to drink everyday that constitutes as addiction. That’s with anything if you have to have something everyday you’re an addict be it alcohol, drugs, sex , social media, gaming, or anything else you’re addicted. Addiction is any behavior that interferes with everyday life as well as the ability to live a fully functional life. If the cost is too high it isn’t wise to want it. If it causes more harm than good it’s not worth having.