Nearly 20 years later still one of my most liked songs ever and probably one of the few best loved artists of mine to still be doing their thing.
I haven’t been to a Lenny Kravitz concert since 2018 but the handful of times I’ve attended one I always loved when this song was played. Like most great music the video version is lit but live versions like most great work always have a whole different soul to it that never ages. The first time I attended one was at a amphitheater for my birthday as a teenager, after that 1 at Warner Theater, 1 Radio City Music Hall, AfroPunk in Brooklyn, and then New York again at another theater in New York.
I am honestly still saddened that I didn’t get the opportunity to see Prince more before he passed away. Aside from attending 2 shows at Paisley Park I didn’t get to see his show until I was 19 even though I’d been trying to catch a show since I was 11 years old, then in New Jersey 6 years later, then of course Paisley Park twice over near the end of his life and I think that was it. I had plans to attend a show of his that summer in Minneapolis again at Paisley Park with my Mom because she is a huge supporter but I suppose it wasn’t meant to occur unfortunately. I have to say I have been blessed to have ,Mayte Garcia, Prince’s former dancer for a number of years and wife as my belly dance teacher for several years now who’s work I have equally respected since I was about 9 years old. Great teacher and lovely person from what I know of her. Actually this was one of the first videos I ever saw of their work together. I even attended her tour and one of her classes in Morocco in 2018 actually less than a week after seeing Lenny Kravitz in NYC the last time quite by coincidence.