Alice In Wonderland

Voicing Freedom
2 min readApr 30, 2022


I have posted about the works of Alice In Wonderland over the years, I recall watching the films in theaters and growing up on the stories by the granted whacky pedophile Lewis Caroll. The 2010 and 2016 films had principles to it. The first 15 minutes to 30 minutes of the the 2010’s film was essentially the character of Alice attempting to be forced into a role in her life she really doesn’t wish to be but those around her attempt to burden her to live the aristocratic life meanwhile her character yearns for something more from life than to settle for what is expected of her. Her character doesn’t wish to be rudimentary when she is capable of a great deal more. Which many people based in excellence and driven by a higher calling can identify with.

Courtesy of- Disney

Nathan Verame

Upon her visit to Wonderland she has lost her “Muchness” since the last time she was in Wonderland as spoken of before in the past. Albeit, what the Caterpillar character said “I said you’re not hardly Alice although you are more so now.”

Courtesy of- Disney


The big headedness of the Red Queen could be a metaphor for tyrannical narcopathic and condescending in an artistic representation of those that harbor that complex. Ergo the old saying “Big headed.”

Courtesy of-
Peter Parker

In the end Alice though doubts herself as a champion however does slay the hideous Jabberwocky. The Jabberwocky can be a metaphor for evil and wickedness that many fear but uprightness and the holy don’t.

“You can’t live you life to please others it has to be yours because when you step out to face that creature you will step out alone.” Alice In Wonderland

Courtesy of- OneShot

Then of course the scene of Absolem transforming could attest to real life mentors, assistance, supporters, etc that for but for any length of time before having to step out on your own in order to metaphorically slay your own metaphorical dragons. Others can’t do that for anyone you have to do that for you.

Courtesy of- Best Disney Scenes

Courtesy of- Naylene Rodriguez

Courtesy of- blissx

“This is my life.” Alice, Alice In Wonderland



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince