Allegations Aren’t Always Truth
I viewed this on T.I’s Instagram and wanted to hear his side of the story as thus far the public knows little to nothing of any facts in which I made a story about it. It was unfortunate to hear about this as many in the actual survivor leadership community against Sex Trafficking consider him an ally based on how he was one of those who stood for Cyntoia Brown urging for her clemency.
Me personally I don’t know all the facts that are possibly concrete however as someone who has faced false off the wall allegations a couple of times from the same type of element which rightfully went nowhere and all parties landed in deep for doing so, it is important to note all allegations do not automatically grant legitimacy of truth. As he stated some are based on clout chasing especially when blogs are involved and as in his personal case as well as many others out there blogs are the absolute worst to do so particularly when it involves public figures of any variety. Celebrities get it, Humanitarians, Survivor Leaders against any type of Sexual or Gender Violence who have ever been in any type of position get it, Movement Leaders, etc. Anything notable and known basically you become a target. They’re most often rags to harm people with as are those with reckless evil intent who scribble them without stopping to think before they crap on people they usually don’t even know. Too many bloggers now are basically wannabe failed journalists and wannabe writers that instead of doing something non harmful and productive they feel emboldened to use the internet arbitrarily to defame others with some juicy fictitious juice box story time instead of getting a real life and or career in those type of cases if they can’t seem to avoid harming innocent people with their melodramatics. Too many bloggers feel it’s morally okay to tear other people unprovoked down. They won’t know that person from Adam but will act a fool in attempt to get views. It is to draw attention to their sensationalism with little to no basis or proof in reality. That’s why blogs have been a dying breed too many of them are paparazzi level of luridness. We have actual media outlets to read and watch with actual reputable sources therefore the world needs less and less negativity of rag blogs who’s only purpose serves is to defame. They’re wannabe famous, they really don’t have any talent so the closest they can get is vying for attention in anyway possible even if it means trying to destroy others. Not to mention all the crap as described that has gone on that make real non dramatic non clout chasing/non internet attention seeking survivors look like a joke when we should be respected as our actual life stories as well as space should be as well. It should go without saying we are off limits period. Crying victim when you are not entirely demeans the empowerment of the Me Too Movement, Act Too, and so forth to an even more debased stance than before and even more difficult to be heard even with reputable evidence & or actual court cases under our belts of actually having been victimized. Keep in mind there are liars out there just as there are predators. And yes if you go around falsely accusing people the accuser could very well wind up in court with either litigation against them or criminal charges by often the state or even federally based especially if that accuser lied to law in any way. Honestly they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law because that shouldn’t be allowed in any type of civil society. Never lie to law enforcement of any kind just as much never impersonate one either or act out of pocket as one either- essentially behavior that is unfitting for an officer of the court. To avoid all of that A. Don’t lie. and B. Don’t exaggerate and be all dramatic that is clearly for sensationalism without thinking of the consequences because any court of law can see right through it typically especially if there is little to real evidence. As he said an attacker in any form is not a victim you can’t be both an attacker and a victim you’re either one or the other. If you’re attacking someone initiating it be it verbally, physically, financially, lawfully, or any other way etc you’re not the victim by any standard you’re the perpetrator. People in the public eye or of any notoriety are accused of things all the time that doesn’t mean it’s true and until there is any valid proof other than hearsay on the internet it is unlawful for anything to stick. To avoid all this in life A. Don’t lie about people or exaggerate. B. Don’t go looking for trouble. C. Don’t bring any trouble into your life. Either way the truth always shows itself and there is evil out there both when it comes to liars OR perpetrators.