Always Be Careful
“Always be careful of what you hear about a Woman. Rumors either come from a male that can’t have her or a female who can’t be her.” As improvised based on my lingo by me from the original well known viral quote basically expressing the same sentiment.
Gossip, rumors, and hate especially on the internet just like anywhere begins with 1 or 2 beings — then spreads throughout the carriers into a cycle of harassment for those that are the subject of it. Gossip for those who do not know aside from talking about people behind their back is the spreading of information you either don’t know to be entirely factual OR you know is entirely made up in order to attempt damaging their reputation based on any number of reasons. This is also called “Revenge Gossip”, rumors, etc. Never believe what someone else tells you, question everything unless can be proven entirely and upon knowing the truth not just 2 sides. Furthermore when you choose to spread lies and gossip for the public what will end up occurring is the spreader or beginner will look dumb when truth presents itself, it always reflects, and looks poorly upon those who begin it or spread it. It’s childish, immature, and foolish. Consequences are bad enough in the adolescent world however actions like gossip and slander in the adult world can get out of hand very quickly it can lead to litigation, criminal harassment charges, harassment campaigns, stalking based on what some problem individual or individuals told someone else or spread on the internet because keep in mind anyone can take what they read and go with it using their own devices to attack that person. Basically if more people minded their own business there wouldn’t be half of the issues there are in the world…from adults with no purpose mostly. It’s one thing when it’s children but adults. It’s irresponsible, immature, a detriment to other people, and isn’t a game. People are harmed in some way all of the time from the root of gossip, immaturity, etc. In brief gossipers and those who partake in it online or off need a life, a real life not spreading garbage about other people they either don’t know to be true or know either very little if at all, haven’t handled it professionally (open social media isn’t it), or entirely made up based on irrational resentment. Once you pull the mask off gossip, harassment, etc of where it stems from it’s pretty much game over being where a barrage of textbook harassment came from has been revealed.
Video By- Psych2Go
There is also another saying that goes something like this
“Great minds discuss idea; Average minds discuss events ; Small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt