Animal Cruelty Videos

Voicing Freedom
3 min readJan 16, 2022


There’s a trend that goes on quite a bit of abusing animals essentially for views. It gravitated from Instagram and Youtube, from these type of disreputable internet videos to Tiktok.

Courtesy of- Vegan cronish

Who to this day most everyone on the internet has expectations this being is locked up as they needed to be but apparently as of last year returned to social media… having never faced criminal charges for animal cruelty AND the dog remained in her possession… if the 4 legged is even among the living which even I have my doubts being in the hands of such a menacing being. Too bad it didn’t maul her cross eyed mug off.

Courtesy of- Dexerto

There’s a young Girl that goes by Soda Pets on Youtube that speaks against viral animal abuse videos. Always watch out for the ones that claim “Animal Rescues” you’ll frequently find these are the same animals in every video essentially staged and posed as animal abuse recoverees they’re not it’s all for views or to gain money under the guise of “donation.”

What beings will do for fame and money, go tiktok viral become famous.. for 5 minutes. SMH. Back in the day psycho hi-jinks didn’t constitute fame there had to be a real reason for it. I do think people are sick of it and becoming wiser of the whole seeking fame on social media. Anyone that ever became internet famous never really remained there or garnered anything out of it in the long haul. Think about it none of the people who became internet famous ever really accomplished much following let alone financially. They’re all broke, menial-ism, etc they’re not legends or anything of the sort. They’re about as fleeting as momentary pop-ularity now. It’s a short term gig for side money typically. There has to be something else going for people than the internet because it’s short lived. Think about how huge myspace was, where is it now? It didn’t even have a decade. Many think Youtube will be next as the major video platform that is had it’s era onto tiktok. Technology shifts, trends shift, social media is ever shifting, pop culture, tech like life - life moves forward. The internet in and of itself is not the place to base a life or career around solely because it’s not sustainable as it’s always shifting. Back to why the animal abuse videos and any internet harlequinade foolery is not the way to present oneself to the world obvious immorality of it aside. That is why when it is stepped away from there is that feeling of how little of importance it is. It doesn’t really add any value to anything but likes, comments, and views in, and of itself. Even networking many professionals do not do anymore - too many issues and problems from it. All people like myself ever received from it on that tip was harassment, sexual harassment, cyber crime, trolls, etc etc very little applicable career wise except for here and there but it was based outside of the internet like many career professionals. Social media has been much more dramatics and needless hassle far more than worth by a long shot. Like most users it has had very little to do with anything sought or set as goals in real life. Social Media is nothing more than any attention mongers playground, it focuses and upholds more negativity than good… and it will waste life more often than not. That is why it has to be used responsibly and within context of as a tool nothing more than that. To close somewhat off subject it was terrific for people like myself to vocalize justice, human rights issues, post creativity, make some extra income maybe reputably but like all adults we grow past that and approach a point it’s not needed for that solely any longer. It just seems childish and juvenile compared to where we are in life after a certain point to rely solely on it. It’s like the impression you get within yourself of going to a party with a bunch of teens when you’re in your 20’s or 30’s let alone beyond that you just grow up from it. ::Shrugs::



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince