Any Predator

Voicing Freedom
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


Any predator that harasses, sexually harasses, and stalks prey isn’t going to cease or get it until the very actual reality of they’re in a cell with Bubba which is where they need to be. Any predator that is known, told if not blustering on themselves many times, even been pointed out, called out, and no one does anything about it well it’s no wonder why they deem themselves embolden and untouchable. Predator’s are arrogant, narcopathic, and condescending, it’s quite obvious they are. Again nothing is to be thought of anyone who has never done anything to put them away where they belong or anything else when they could have a long time ago. Instead they just wanted to sit and play dumb tit for tat games with them. Anyone that has allowed such a predator to operate in impunity are just as guilty as any perpetrating party. Truth is anyone who has never acted in cases like that are enablers that let it happen if not encouraged it. It is no wonder why such predators have no sense of personal accountability or sense of anything for their actions. It’s obvious they really believe they will be let off the hook because too many beings idly stood their whole existences by doing nothing or even supported it.

As said last night when people do nothing let alone support them evil triumphs. Obviously there were beings who were fooled by Hitler he had a whole country’s support and thus obviously really believed he was enacting what was right too because their sense of morality was entirely flipped upside down of who was good and who was not. Who was worth living and who was worth dying. It is when people do nothing in the face of evil that evil can continue in impunity. That is why the globe has the exorbitant amount of violence and violations against human rights because no one will act. They just stand there and are malaise in their sense of what they think humanity is or rather isn’t. It’s that kind of thinking that is the Nazi Germany complex, God knows Rwanada complex when it came to America and UN especially, what occurred to Yazidi people of “Well it doesn’t affect me so why should I give a sh_?” The truth is it does. If they could prey on anyone’s Daughter what would keep them from doing it to others Children, Nieces, Aunt, Mother, Cousin, anyone? Again, I return to well known Dan Pena story of the psycho that came through a seminar event late at night harassing people/acting like a psycho & not a single Man would do anything they just stood there putting furniture against the door because they were afraid AND allowed the psycho to harass, taunt, and threaten them to their face. THEN went on to change their airline tickets so they wouldn’t have to fly out of the airport the said psycho claimed he was going to be waiting for them. Disgraceful all around.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince