Arabian Nights…Not So Arabian

Voicing Freedom
3 min readAug 14, 2021


When viewing or studying the folklore of ,The Arabian Night, stories despite what some may still believe the stories aren’t even from the Muslim Arab world.. for the most part. As if it wasn’t obvious during the orgy scenes. There wouldn’t be that mix of “Oh Allah” one minute into the next sentence having a Karma Sutra orgy in a true Muslim context. The stories themselves are a folkloric blend from various tales of Judaism (minus the orgies), Christian Arab world view (again minus the orgies), India, parts of Asia, Slavic regions, Byzantium, East Africa, Persia, and even Europe. The stories as entertaining and classic as are, actually were a hodgepodge from the Silk Road Trade that took place between 114 BCE and 1450’s CE.

Courtesy of- Wikipedia

Actually the whole Arabian Nights tales aren’t highly regarded in the Muslim world. The only likeness of any Muslim such as with any continent of the East is the value and mention of “High breasted Virgins” but as already mentioned that’s any Judeo-Christian, Middle Eastern, Africa East Africa especially, or Asian world view … because we don’t blow everything that moves, we come from good homes, good families, respectable backgrounds etc to be blunt therefore there is value and revere in that within the cultures still. They don’t want a self induced harlot jezebel to take home to Momma ultimately, no self respecting Muslim does. Ideally if they are devout to any extent they prefer a virgin. As I’ve posted on before among a smorgasbord of peoples those are among those mentioned (Melungeon aside from American Indigenous with Moroccan Amazigh, Sinti from India, distant Southeast Asian blend, and distant Chinese on the other side) basically Girls and young Women we can’t be sl_tty to put it frankly and or act like one because it is a disgrace to ourselves, family, and communities. We have to conduct ourselves in a way that is respectable we have a difficult enough time being respected and treated equally without giving an incentive to prolong that negativity onto us. As far as the ,Arabian Nights, tales Arab Muslims of any self respect really do not like the comparison or the old “Orient exotic” to the stories because I’ve been to the Arab Muslim world and if they are practicing they are not that. Now the ones who aren’t as observant… that can be a whole different story… and often not a pretty one at that. They go in to the point of like “Dude I’m pretty sure that thing is not clean let alone a person … what the hell are you thinking?!” lol However devout Muslims not at all. They won’t even look at you or those who aren’t a certain pedigree shall we say like that if they have any reverence for God or self at all. I’ve said this before I’ve never had a true Muslim Man disrespect me or any Muslim because if they are raised right they are raised not to shame themselves, their Mothers, or act like a jack a$$ to be frank. There honestly are not an exuberant amount of folklore Muslim stories. There are some Muslim Mythologies of course but they’re steeped more in morality, etc.

Courtesy of- Wikipedia

The Arabian Nights tales albeit are appreciable classic works there is a context to it and a multicultural background to it.



Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince