Arrogant Mentality
Courtesy- Hack Spirit
Arrogant beings have no introspection. They don’t grasp why people they’ve enacted foul towards aren’t partial to them, based on things they’ve enacted often going out of the way to enact it, the way they have come across to quality people, their un-professionalism, sense of entitlement, etc their arrogance chalks up any owed response or simply telling them the truth/holding them accountable to “Haterism” which by the by if people are continuing to use that term over the age of 25 or 30 it’s really ignorant and stupid. You have to ponder do the arrogant really hear themselves or do they think or mumble out of their back end? Do they realize how arrogant and narcopathic that sounds? It is like yes those of esteemed positions and backgrounds are haters or jealous you continue to think that. It always sounds like the shoe is on the other foot in those scenarios. When it comes to dealing with a valid person they don’t have that in them to gauge themselves or question their actions nor behavior towards valid people because they often surround themselves or deal with a bunch of “Yes” beings that tell them what they wish to hear, enable, and they can handle any way they deem fit. Those of their level mentality wise basically. Arrogant people have their head in the clouds to the extent they neglect the fact they’re a human not a thing more than that.
Courtesy- Open Bible
Courtesy- Bustle