As Said
A said psycho predator must do some fancy talking to get obviously not bright people to fall under the broke Svengali-ness they’ve got going on. They have nothing to offer and make a fool out of themselves I couldn’t figure how anyone would even listen or talk to that demon. Anyone with any cognitive abilities can look at them and do cringe. The deluded arrogance on their end is thoroughly laughable I’ll say that much. A clown and troll and 1/2 — people don’t actually believe this said joker on anything they couldn’t possibly unless they’re just 1000% stupid. There’s a reason a judge and a whole court room abhorred the predator. It doesn’t matter either way I pray every day they and theirs facedown somewhere because law is taking it’s sweet time dragging their feet. The only “Bad” is them they want to act like the hero when they’re the problem and have been the problem provably so. The cognitive dissonance is beyond and has been which is why they’re probably actually some vagrant that gets online and plays this role that isn’t valid in real life. They’d have and been had a whole lot more than they do if they were indeed anything they said/portrayed. 🤷🏽♀️ That’s con artistry. As aforesaid the day that predator demon from hell and their minions facedown I’m throwing a block party.