Honestly one of the most difficult hills so to speak to get over when in the entertainment, fashion, or anything like that industry is the the bluntly put Jezebels with an axe to grind towards those who are nothing like them, they create more garbage towards Girls and Women in it just doing their thing in life or attempting to that they’re essentially envious of because we’re not Jezebels as well as they’re territorial of their little fleeting spaces that won’t be standing in 5 minutes as that’s the only way they received anything as generally they aren’t talented at all in actuality
I stay away from types like that. I can gauge them in a heartbeat they have abnormal snake eyes and their whole vibe wreaks of snake as well as their equally male mongers, everything, and one else tied to them. They’ll ruin your life and destroy you ultimately if you go being stupid tying yourself in any way to types like that. That is one aspect I discovered in my perpetration from a psycho from years ago don’t trust males in that world no matter their status, they have an agenda most times towards Girls and Women. Many will use you, abuse you and or exploit you, then after awhile kick you into a ditch as people are only valued based on their narcissistic based “standards” or lack thereof. Many of them really are like monsters that were raised by rabid coyotes in how they perceive and treat people. Typically real people aren’t valued their perception is flipped entirely. Typically the only females they respect or rather use are ignorant Jezebels they essentially walk on, can be controlled, not terribly bright, didn’t have a good Father figure in their lives, etc. Everyone else not at all typically not in my experiences. They generally don’t like strong Women who can see right through them and hold our own. Generally if you let them walk on you they will, that’s the crap I’ve experienced or seen to be entirely honest about it. Like I’ve said I’ve not had the best experiences with that world or beings in it or around it, every once in a while but not often these days. The older ones tend to be more respectful in some respects, the last 2 decades or so not so much. Girls and Women around or in it have to be very aware of that world, how it operates, etc that there are a great deal of sexists, chauvinistic, if not abusive or predatory males in it who to be totally blunt if you’re not willing to blow a lot of them they aren’t going to accept or like anything about you as a Woman most times. And of course the equally rancid Jezebels who are just as conniving and manipulative. That is just a fact everyone is aware of. If you’re outspoken, stand for something, and strong willed forget it they’ll give you a hard time at every turn or one of their Jezebels will. It’s unfortunate but it’s true.