Attention Seeking
Or vies for attention usually for some stupid reason based on themselves nothing more. That is a Clout Chaser basically. Such chasers should focus on themselves, their own existences. and obviously fix their severely dysfunctional selves instead of going to great lengths to chase, bother, hassle everyone else and or get mad when they don’t get what they think they are owed by those they think owe them something. In this life no one owes you anything in that sense. You owe yourself to do for yourself and that’s about it. People can’t be your oxygen. Only you can deal with yourself and own life no one else. It’s dead weight to other people otherwise. Clout chasers want to be seen for really no good reason and are desperate for any attention they get. They feel any attention someone else receives and or usually a vast issue far beyond self absorption is somehow an affront to their place on the social totem pole. From their perspective it’s the “I’m going to get back at the popular kids because they’re popular and I’m not. They think they’re better than me well I’ll show them” mentality that quite often never grew past that childish time wasting mindset. Meanwhile the people and systems they hate so much don’t even know they exist or didn’t until they started doing everything under the sun to garner attention they think they are owed thus wasting everyone’s time nor do those they seek attention from care at all.