Balancing The Budget and Capital Punishment
Courtesy- feralboy101
The sentiment and how I wish law would handle not only my serial harassers but all types like that who have been blocked, reported, law is well aware of, and told off umpteen million over including sexually based harassment and a plethora of other harassment tactics all provable gender regardless as George Carlin put it about balancing the budget and capital punishment “Let’s bring back crucifixions.” Those types have nothing absolutely nothing to contribute or anything else to the world, all they do is harass and hassle people myself included.
They’re the types as Carlin put it that live out where the buses don’t run, the textbook maniacs between that, sexually based predatory, and drug addicts/alcoholics, etc that’s about what it is. He was brutally honest as aforesaid but it did have valid points in a comedic form about things.