Because We Are Being Hunted
Dr. Sattler: “We can make it if we run.”
Robert: “No we can’t.”
Dr. Sattler: “Why?”
Robert: “Because we are being hunted.”
For those of us who have legitimately encountered it many times that is about what it is metaphorically like when we have textbook been hunted or being hunted.
I wish I could recall that gif made by a poetry company that read something along the lines of:
“We are the Girls who have been hunted.”
Referring those of us who have survived commercial exploitation, violence, and predatory vengeful driven actual stalking for a prolonged period of time.
I’ve utilized this analogy a lot with fellow survivor activists and leaders. For those of us who have been through it a great deal in some form or another it doesn’t frighten us when we encounter it besides we have nothing to hide but our lives, privacy, and above all safety. We know how to survive and granted the peoples like myself stem from our very existences are based on the fact we are survivors anyway, therefore that is even more so for us. We just have to keep our wits, think on our feet as we always have, and keep the survivor skills we’ve acquired about us for those of us who have encountered that type of monitoring and honestly said being preyed upon. We have textbook survived and historically have been doing so well since pretty much our peoples began let alone so on any interpersonal level. We just know how to survive and do so well even in the modern age if not especially in the modern times in order to continue to exist.