Being Usage
In the pseudo music realm especially it’s about being using none the wiser if not ignorant’s or using each other. Female’s especially are a play thing nothing more. Females have their place when all is said and done, females in that realm are replaceable and easy to throw away, there is little to no such thing as Women real Women in that space not in the 2020’s or Men for that matter. Too much stock can’t be put into them as people because they are very superficial, immature, and or kind of dumb. They really don’t like Women real Women nor regard anyone that is. They have problems towards Women they can’t wrangle, use, get under skin, and isn’t a certain low mindset. What they gauge a Woman by is the low caliber females they have in their hemisphere. They’re not the sharpest tools in the shed they body counted someone or had those connections before their 15 minutes. That’s all they care about money, things, being number one to the extent they fake it, buy it, or practically sell themselves to get it, etc etc they’re pretty surface and basic as far as people go. That is how most of them now are, how they gauge people. They gauge people by means, popularity, social status, etc not even looks or anything else it’s based on socioeconomics regardless of how they obtained it. If people aren’t that they are nothing and a lot of them exude that attitude. They don’t have a lot of respect nor consideration for people that aren’t that or even themselves. Means and or recognition doesn’t mean high caliber people FYI. I mean look at characters like Donald Trump, R Kelly, Weinstein, etc etc. Some of the trashiest beings have money to be blunt. Money and things don’t mean anything as to a person’s character or self. Any ahole can get money.
It is apparent how the majority of them when they begin associating too much to any male also in it their short lived flash in the pan popularity dwindles then onto the next one as that was all they really had to go on. Again, this is why talent like Issa Rae walked away from it and went into acting. Too much viper, slithering, too many criminals that were actually born with a silver spoon in their mouth despite the image tales they often are supported to relay next to none of them are rags to riches anything matter of fact a large majority of them well had their connections to the field, money, are actually in-debt and broke especially if they use narcs. Majority of them are not worth what people think they are monetary wise. It takes many years on top like Michael Jackson level of more than 5 minutes to accumulate actual wealth in that space unless they’re running something else. In that space it is about using people, using connections, using the flavor of the minute, using a trend, image, or popular for the moment. Think of it as junior high or high school, it’s like that level of the poplar kids that never grew up then when they go beyond high school or college into the real world it’s culture shock realizing that’s not real life. When their careers start to crash and or they’re attempting to climb the ladder they’ll start pulling out the being user foppery. That is the norm. If you aren’t using people in that space forget it you aren’t going anywhere, there’s no such thing as honesty in that game.