“When It Comes Down To Her.”
Upon hearing of as well as reading up on the Heard and Depp case that did not go in Depp’s favor today despite even Heard’s ex (who is a Woman) came forward about a year ago with evidence that included a valid legal proof of abuse that Heard indeed is the abuser as well as a chronic liar. Many people who have had encounters with Heard have said the same. Needless to say as an ethnic Woman with personal experience under my own belt as well as in the field I have a great deal to say about the stumbling block of preferential treatment within both the justice system and furthermore commonly by society. My whole problem with this scenario like so many others let us first examine the all too frequent truth of what goes on in the justice or rather injustice system. Black and Brown Girls and Women can and are beaten to death, discriminated to death, murdered, and have various forms of violence as a whole committed against us at alarming rates HOWEVER a privileged white female can lie their a$$ off to the justice system, they can enact all kinds of abusive behavior and acts yet are held accountable little to none whatsoever. Matter of fact society seems prone to feel more sympathy for them. Let us flip that coin what if it were an ethnic Girl or Woman?… A completely different story and outcome. On the other hand look at the reaction society had toward Meagan Thee Stallion’s shooting situation that could have ended fatally and does all of the time to ethnic Girls and Women. There were jokes, there were blames on her, put downs etc but a white female feigns crocodile tears, lies, etc followed by everyone & their cousin feeling sorry for them even our own but if much worse occurs to a Girl or Woman of color then it becomes a “Oh that must have been on her.” There was a striking opinion video speaking on this by The New York Times
We are still treated like second class citizens when it comes to the justice system as far as abuse and violence towards us as opposed to white privileged females that cry victim because many times they’ve been doing it habitually despite being the aggressor when really they probably should be in jail for lying to the justice system but you mark my words if it were one of our Girls or Women that could and do constantly lay out in the streets with gunshot wounds, rapes, sex trafficked, murders as the world saw in the case of Breonna Taylor, or even decapitations and virtual silence follows even by our own. A white females cries the world stops and coddles them even if they’re maliciously deceitful on the contrary a Black or Brown Woman who has reputably been victimized the reaction?…Nothing at all, no justice, no voices of outrage just the void of stillness of a fractured “Civil”-ization of a “justice” system that never has been for us. The system is our back of the bus.
With all that said as the late Malcolm X so eloquently stated,
“The most disrespected person in America is the Black Woman.”
I will leave this with the quote from the aforementioned New York Time’s Campaign featuring Meagan Thee Stallion.
“What does it mean to be a Woman of color?
She’s gotta be strong because that’s just the expectation.
Loving herself but not too much because then she’s conceited.
Being his Lady in the streets but his freak in the sheets.
Inheriting her Grandma’s love but always loving the wrong one.
Twerking for her man but not with her friends?!
Being constantly told she’s ‘too much’ or ‘not enough.’
Constantly having to prove she’s a victim because society sides with a Man.
Not being able to express her traumas because she can’t show no weakness.
Is constantly told she’s ‘too dark’, ‘too thin’, ‘too thick’, ‘too much of a b__h.’
Being murdered, beaten, abused, then questioned if she provoked all of it.
Is left out on the streets that becomes the flower that grows from the concrete.
She marches for everyone else, riots for everyone else, dies for everyone else. She loves everyone else. Lives for everyone else but when it comes down to her….
There ain’t a mutha f__er in sight!” Megan Thee Stallion