Punk Mentality
How you know any male is a punk when trash can disrespect them or any of theirs to their face practically and they enact nothing about it… I agree with ,Dan Pena, on that. It says a great deal of the worth of any Man or what ought to be a Man. It’s sad when Women of color have to stand up and telling white trash or otherwise what they are and handling it in some way, meanwhile the Male’s of color often just sit and let that happen not only towards Women of color but to them… to their face in one form or another. It’s a punk move really. Back in the day you disrespected one of us a Man would enact something about it not just sit back and let that happen. It’s no wonder Girls/Women of Brown and Black complexion are still so disrespected in every way. Reminds me of the ,Dan Pena, story about the Black Brothers that let a little skinny white psycho threaten and taunt them that left them not only inactive nothing but changing their plane tickets so they wouldn’t have to fly out of the airport the freak said they were going to be at. The level of disrespect too many males of color allow and tolerate from trashy white privileged beings is beyond understandable. They won’t take up for their own or even themselves I hate to say a lot of them are not that rough or respectable in that regard despite what the media portrays but yet go in about dumb crap that doesn’t even matter. Disgraceful all around. I’m among one of those real sisters that won’t deal with any Man who won’t take up for their own. Not professionally or relational in any way. That’s weak punk-ness to me seriously.