Black History Month: Child Soldiers NOT of The Past
An assessment by UNICEF from 2005 to 2020 indicated 100,000 children alone have been recruited as child soldiers. Those are the verified numbers the range is believed to be much more expansive. In 2018 more than 13,000 child soldiers required assistance of UNICEF.
Courtesy of- UNICEF
In 2019 the number of Child Soldiers doubled in the Middle Eastern region alone.
Courtesy of- MEI75
Aforesaid in the post about the ongoing genocide in Darfur the past 19 years that has yet to be declared as such it was spoken of how Girls and typically young Women do not generally serve as forced soldiers. They are most frequently enslaved as “Bush Wives” or Sex Slaves (which are one in the same essentially) to militias and the offending military regimes. That is IF they survive the barbaric attacks, rapes, and pillaging of their homes. It is quite common. Terrorists are often guilty of this same practice as well often times as one former ISIS militant attested to they intersect a great deal same with their hideous practices. The world is well aware Isis for example practiced these bestial acts of genocide and crime upon it’s Yazidi captors. It is very common.
Courtesy of- Montreal Gazette
Girls that are captured can be as young as 4 years old in documented cases. These war crimes are also the norm in regions such as Sudan, the Congo, terrorist groups such as Boko Haram that reside in Nigeria, Chad, Niger, and northern Cameroon.
Courtesy of- Relief Web
Courtesy of- Aljazeera Studies Centre
Courtesy of- SOFEPADI
There is immense intersectionality between Genocide, War Crimes, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking. Despite this fact in the warlord’s and terrorists opinions they believe they are in an upright position when obvious reality reveals the only accomplishment they make is demolishing the people and perpetuating atrocious war crimes as well as acts of terrorism nothing more.
Courtesy of- France 24 Français
Organizations such as World Vision S.Sudan assist in liberating child soldiers and those exploited by militias, military regimes, etc.
As well as the aforesaid Sam Childer’s who’s work is primarily based in East Africa.
There indeed can be no peace without justice for these unspeakable crimes but for that to occur there must be action and movement to press for justice.