Blackkklansman Truths About Hate
Courtesy of- Fandango
I have written on Blackkklansman and the straightforward message based on the true story ,Ron Stallworth, the only person let alone a Black Man to infiltrate the Klan… and lived to tell it as Director ,Spike Lee, stated during his Oscar acceptance speech for the film.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
I was saying to a loved one “Wouldn’t you hate to be so full of toxic poison and hatred everyday every moment of your existence?” Whether based on bigotry, sexist, racist, colorist, classist, envy, or just harboring hate towards any group of people you’ve concocted for any rationale. The hate in the eyes of those who harbor that poison is unmistakable. Look in a hateful like David Duke’s eyes and that being is full of hatred. I’ve been in the presence of people who saw hateful’s and were like “Oh God look their eyes. Look at their expression. They are frightening looking” or some similar sentiment. Even when a hateful is smiling they don’t smile they smirk and have a disconcerting grin about them.
Courtesy of- Larry King
There was a documentary I saw years ago that the presenter not only spoke with hate groups but he also spoke to reformed hate group members. One Gentleman spoke on that’s all the White Supremacist group he was a member of before walking away from spewed hate and venom. There wasn’t a moment they didn’t which was reflected in the documentary and the depiction in Blackkklansman. That’s quite actually all hateful’s live for — always steaming, spewing in some form rhetoric wise, propagating, hating, playing the role of victim also has its place in it as well.
Courtesy of- BrainyDose
Enough hateful Rhetoric can turn to violence of some form quickly. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become destiny positive or negative. A hateful being or beings can turn dangerous to the outside world. After awhile that toxin and perceived victim-hood perceived as worthy of retribution can turn fatal. Where there is hate there is destruction. Assertive and unabashedly honest is one thing hatred is an obvious other.
Courtesy of- PBS NewsHour