Still blocking troll/lurk for foul accounts. Blocked is blocked repeatedly. Hope the responsible parties have fun answering to the at least 2 levels of law enforcement on it. It won’t work out for them either way but they should have never come at me like that and continued to do it with a whole lot of criminal activity and crimes going over into federal law against me. Done is done answer to the FEDS no cap. Watch who you prey on and or come at next time being ignorant. Told those BS problems to cease repeatedly. ::Shrugs:: Screwing with federal law is a whole other level is no joke. It’s not like dealing with any local anything. It’s personal accountability and responsibility. Cease means cease, done is done. Doing to self is doing to self, take it some place else. Those beings need to piss off already I don’t want to be harassed and lurked on for foul. I’m a professional who isn’t about that crap never been. Throw trash at and on someone else. I’m not the one I’ll have them put somewhere single handedly those problems don’t know me they assume but don’t know crap. Get lost. ::Shrugs::