Blocking Criteria
In my time on social media I have to actually create a catalog ,of those I will and do block because I’ve had too many problems:
Those who make sexual advances that’s a report and block. I’m not on social media to pick beings up never been
Those who waste my time (Hassling having nothing to do with anything I’m about career based or person wise)
Any moronic typical Jezebel plastic witch BS. Instinctively can’t stand anything about them or anyone like them. They make being a Woman look like a joke and look like something that frightens away small children
Any male of a typical moronic plastic because they bring too many problems that have nothing to do with anything I am
Groupies, fan-atics, etc of males in the fields I’m in .. again too many problems
Any psycho wannabes or hateful’s of males in that realm because they gravitate to everyone those types deal with them in any way and spew those problems onto everyone because they’re cracked
AGAIN I Repeat If it’s not:
Career related (Entertainment, Fashion, Human Rights, etc etc) don’t hassle me with it. It’s wasting time. If it’s not support, or anything related don’t bother.