Body Language
This Youtuber has good points albeit I don’t know the person he is speaking of personally. I have agreed with things he has spoken of before such as the idea Men needing to stand up and be Men or really anyone that I can agree on. Removing that part out of it that is poignant about body language being tell tale signs of dishonesty, voice, diverting, etc. Of course professional decorum when it comes to professional people. I was actually searching for another video when this came up in my youtube feed.
Courtesy of- Derek Van Schaik
Derek Van Schaik
Putting this scrutiny if you will aside typically real professional people can’t afford to act bombastic and entirely disreputable that feels like SNL level of “Are they serious?” There is a way people carry themselves professionally and the way they act personally. When anyone puts out any kind of whackiness or what is deemed whacky after awhile no one will take them seriously or seek to do business with them because they’re a loose cannon unstable that can’t handle business like a legitimate business person would. You can’t go into a business or professional realm or meeting acting like at a bar or in an unstable personal life. People look at those type of issues like they just walked in from a criminally insane facility and would never work with them. We live in a world now everyone thinks they’re an entrepreneur, everyone thinks they can operate a business when they are anything but business savvy or professional in any respect. Throwing temper tantrums, acting like a jack a$$ frat kiddish, disrespectful, childish, gossiping, bullying, etc is not a professional way to carry self and many beings behave like what I described. Anyone who has actually ever worked in a professional environment will relay in any professional setting those are grounds for termination, forced to vacate the premise usually escorted off of it in any realm. Entertainment, Fashion, anything they’ll ask an issue causing those problems to disperse or if in the business realm no one in their sane right mind would want to do business with anyone that behaves like that. There’s assertive and then there is just off the wall buffoonery they are 2 totally different things entirely. There is just a way in handling professionalism and business…and conversely a way not to. A professional acts like a professional an amateur is the antithesis of that.
Courtesy of- NYTimes