The many reasons I boycott nearly everything mainstream now aforesaid especially if it involves anything pertaining to a said perpetrator or their lot, other than the majority of the acts in it aren’t artists they’re terrible beings that got where they are by body counts, nepotism, and or blackmail it’s not like the old school days by and large you had to have unmatched talent to get in that space now it’s the opposite. You willing to screw dumb beings you’re in. I could not be in that space, one of them would look at me the wrong way females especially and their head would be on the other side of a wall. I don’t tolerate the newer batch well. I just don’t like anything about them, they give me bad vibes. Not their crappy attempts at music not their vibe nothing. Don’t like them and they wouldn’t like me either because I don’t kiss anyone’s back-end and would relay to them why they’re not artists to their face and why they can’t sing a note or anything else. Like all performing arts kids coming up I knew kids that could wipe the floor with the lot of now. You know the segment from the Big Fat Gypsy series where the females got into? That would probably be how it would go that is why I don’t link with any if many of them any longer especially of the newer batch. I’d pull their gourd off and shove it where it probably stays 99% of the time.
There is a reason the likes of 50 Cent nails them to the wall openly. He is one of the few that puts them in their place and rightfully so. I would too, they would hate me hence why I remain in musicals and theater aforesaid. Creepy beings.