Brainiac-ism and Satanism Of The Entertainment Field
“I’ve seen people go the extra mile to be accepted. You know they are really trying to f you over or maybe even cut you off. What they used to invite you to you showing up freely. They ain’t even inviting you no more. You overlooking the fact they looking at you sideways like ‘Why is he (or she) here?’ All to stay in the room. I ain’t one of them. I can’t do that kind of crap. There’s a lot that will do anything to stay in that room.” Ransom & Paul Cain Interview excerpt
Courtesy- MATH HOFFA
I can’t entirely go along with the opinions of Jewish etc. Jewish is Middle Eastern even Ashkenazi have distant Middle Eastern trace in them. Jewish isn’t Black technically it’s a religion Hebrews were what are modern day middle eastern unless it’s in your bloodline somewhere. Everything else yes, if you’re too authentic they’re not going to want you in their little dysfunctional clique. I’ve experienced that a great deal, I don’t play that game or demean myself. I don’t compromise myself or allow anyone to demean me in any way period. Profound interview. The section of how there are beings in it that do attempt to stop those who aren’t playing their game or playing under their oppressive rules many of them like to control people. They do look about to see who’s on the come up in their space to see if it’s a threat to their existences. If it’s not they’ll leave you alone if they see something in those they feel threatened by they will come at those who are with all kinds of stuff and like a bat out of hell left and right.
There’s a Gentleman that works in the music field as a journalist, producer, etc I know of that made profound a statement “I wonder how many good people have left the music business because of all of the unprofessional-ism and BS?” The answer is countless, used to that crap wouldn’t fly what is praised and placated to now. I added on or can’t even get in the door because the problems from it have been extremely pervasive. I was relaying to him that I’ve had nightmare fuel from that world and beings of it, if it wasn’t for knowledge of how they got where they are females especially it’s nearly shocking how many of them even have careers not to mention harboring no talent along with it. I always say “Stylish… where did the record companies, A&R, and media pull this being from … the dumpster?” It’s really beyond the level of second and third rate-ism the record companies and media push into the forefront meanwhile actual talent these days are generally pushed into theater, musicals, or Indie if that. It isn’t what the music and entertainment business is supposed to be but that is what it is in 2020’s climate. Again why next to no one tunes in to award shows anymore. They’re down graded crap. I’ve written on I’ve seen or known more exceedingly talented people typically young people drop their aspirations entirely because the extent of crap they encountered, were continuously passed over for, pushed into the spotlight, and received recognition for. Any common willing Jezebel or Sex Worker or may as well be can call themselves an artist now, meanwhile classically trained and talented people can’t even get the record companies to listen to them or a decent manager/agent to save their life. Aforesaid as Issa Rae stated it is the most repugnant business to be in or deal with. I don’t blame her for going into acting the so called music industry are a bunch of criminals, brain dead low IQ beings, power players, and or fruitcakes to be unabashed about it. I’ve dealt with more crap come at me from that realm or stemmed from it than could be renamed. The beings of it have made more potential musical geniuses, artists, and trained dancers throw away their aspirations because they’re so objectionable to even have to deal with. There was an original ABC show called “Grimm” that I posted on over the years that lasted from 2011 to 2017. For those that don’t know the main protagonist was a detective who descended from one of the Brother’s Grimm. He inherited a gift he could see the hideous creatures masquerading as people in the world. Many of the criminals he encountered were actually these creatures masquerading as people in public conversely they recognized who he was too, a Grimm. In one of the first few episodes there was a statement his character said to one of his colleagues “I can see the monsters” meanwhile his colleague couldn’t. Where everyone else saw the creature as a person or even some glitzy glamorous figure in the public eye he saw what they really were. It was a metaphor to the evil in the world. That is how people like me see many of those types especially of the more modern lot. They are repulsive and grungy to me. There was a former mainstream rapper I re-posted an interview by the name of “Lil Mo” she was a mainstay in the mainstream music business for awhile, she said something profound when the discussion of R Kelly in her expression of he wasn’t the only one that was or is evil like so. “People not knowing really what’s in that inner selves, inside. There are some pretty people that got some ugly souls and there are some handsome men that are devils. That stuff is a different type of devil.”
Courtesy- Hassan Campbell
Albeit I can’t comment on the personal lives or anything else of some of the names he spoke of as I do not know them interpersonally but overall he makes some good points IE “You think it’s a blessing when they pick you to sit at Satan’s table.” Truth is it’s not. As Takashi said it’s rigged. The record companies really do own those they sign. The can and do buy their number ones, streams, all of that. The people in it are puppets it’s not real.
Courtesy- CJ
Therefore those in it I don’t trust none of them. They are no one’s friend especially those of a sound rooted faith IE Christianity, Jewish, etc, they are no one’s proponent, nor anything else they only get close to people so they will let their guard down. They are about themselves and Satan they essentially serve 99.9% of them. I like the work or anything else of very few, I give props or applause to even less. Keep in mind those types are heavily made up with thick stage make-up from head to toe, hair extensions, etc the majority of them don’t have that appearance in reality. Without their make-up the existences they’ve most often lived is very apparent and visible. They’re merely attractive to the naive eye especially all of the fake-ness on until most often they open their mouth or their consistent behavior conveys what they really are. A great deal of evil in that realm. Again don’t trust none of them, they almost always have scheme as to why they befriend or anything else people.
Courtesy- BET Networks