Polar Opposition
Aforesaid why whole intellectual people do not and can not mesh with those who are not by choice because you are on 2 totally polar opposite levels of intellectualism. There is going to be a problem and clash at some point. It is bound to occur. Those types of interactions are best kept extremely distant. The superficial and shallow have nothing in common with those who are illustrious, emotionally intelligent, educated in some way or another experienced in real life not whatnot crap those types dub life. A whole person will never mix well with those types. They aren’t even on the same wave lengths of mindset, mentality, or anything else. Shallow, self revolved, into self in general, and deep don’t mix. It is much like being a person of the book and dealing with outright heathens they’re not going to respect your beliefs or moral code. You can’t coexist ultimately there will always be a divide and problem that arises. Dogs perceive the world from a dog perspective. That Dog-Eat-Dog-I’m-Gonna-Get-Mine-At-All-Costs.
Low scale and High scale spiritually, intellectually, etc are not the same nor have anything in common. It has nothing to do with means or no means it has to do with mentality, morals, etc.