Castle- The Principle of The Story
Upon viewing several episodes of the 2009 to 2016 series ,Castle, an episode was shown called “Meme is Murder.” The premise of the story was a cyber-bullying turned murder case by a scorned perpetrator. Aside from the heinous nature of the crimes the perpetrator was committing, the story line was much like individuals like so that in reality — It is almost a pitying that they allow hatred and rancor to drive them into totally demolition, they’ve allowed that resent, hate, and loathing eat them alive. They’re driven to madness and enacting madness on people. Instead of flipping their root of hatred to better the world they deem to tear it to pieces and everyone they cross paths with. They instead are pernicious and obstructive. They don’t construct anything positive when all the while there is always course of action to shift a negative into a positive.
Courtesy of- TV Promos
It was a plaintive account of what hatred and disgruntlement can propel individuals to turn into. Types like that require therapy or a shift in themselves to where they aren’t full of the toxicant they are.