I’m certain if my harassers of both the psycho sexual predator harasser from way back and that of the Karen/Darren persuasion saw me with a Man like normal people they would probably blow their heads off. If a Man showed up at my door today and I posted a picture of it they would probably flip the hell out or delve into the depths of despair I guarantee it… probably quite actually either or because they seem to be have been fixated/honed in on that. Essentially Stalking and harassing anyone in the line of networks as I. I’m aware of anytime they even think a Man is in my life or anything else they go bonkers or all downtrodden considering I’ve never been with the problems nor had any meaningful interaction with those creep problems nor wish to. I’m not the sole one who’s had to refrain from posting anything personal etc because of creep crawlers in everyone’s business and being purposefully intrusive/sabotaging. I think some of it is racially and faith-based motivated, there has been much indication of that. There are still a great deal of ignorant hate-filled beings who hone in on people based on faith, race, color, creed, etc.
Those problems are way too provably fixated on anything I do or say and have been to the extent of entirely invasive far beyond the realms of abnormal freakish meanwhile I don’t put that much anything into anyone never have. It’s beyond creep behavior when unhealthy beings are that fixated and bloodthirsty about someone that obviously wants nothing to do with them. The really sole thing to counteract that kind of behavior is to totally ignore those types. The more they think they are getting to those they hone in on the more they’ll enact. They usually have a history of that kind of inept harassing annoying behavior towards people. Those types creep people out in the real world and rightfully so, they even appear creepy which is why they have nothing better in life they’re too preoccupied harassing, stalking people, and making up warped stories about them essentially. Always Block, Report, Next and keep it stepping from there. Don’t interact with them even if it’s of annoyance and obviously stating you don’t wish to be harassed by them. Those types don’t grasp the memo you could snap fingers in their face they wouldn’t flinch. They’re not psychologically here it’s obvious harassers of that nature aren’t otherwise they wouldn’t be harassing people in the first place.