Childishness of Harassment
The aspect of being harassed having illicit lurk and other freakish accounts being sent to create an issue or take an issue with anything I’m posting or anything else reaching for something that isn’t valid- Those responsible for it aren’t children or adolescents. They’re well of age. Other beings with no obvious morals can seemingly support or anything else that as much as they want to, it’s unwanted interaction on my end and meaningless harassment. It’s been meaningless harassment. The law doesn’t see it as childish goofy playing nor do I it’s blatant harassment period. Those responsible can delude themselves in la la fantasy goofy play realm all day long and vie for toxic negative attention at someone else’s expense that’s not the reality of what it occur and been occurring. Harassment is harassment. I will say this however. The being sending it is going to attempt to grapple with God almighty and 1 of 3 outcomes will occur. God will change them to where they seek some sort of psychiatric cognitive help, they’ll flee, OR God will handle them. Whatever went down between 1 of the 2 suspected beings and a group of males I do not know or didn’t occur in reality isn’t my concern. Whether they know them, met them, whether it’s some She’s Come Undone made up story time or anything else isn’t my concern. Law and no one that actually matters deems it okay to continue to harass me in some form or another everyday. It’s not alright with me. The being sending the illicit etc needs to cease lurking all over my social, get off of it, and cease being a harassing creep of any gender. They need to cease dwelling in their umpteenth childhood and cease doing/enacting this freakish harassment and dropping stupid hints of this, that, etc about something that probably didn’t even occur and has no basis in reality. It’s delusional and harassing. I don’t wish to be harassed or lurked on like that period. I’m a professional, Woman of God who belongs to God Almighty nothing less. If there is something needing to be said there is a contact on my social media. Grow up and a brain really.