Voicing Freedom
2 min readNov 5, 2021

Club World Mindset

There was a true life story a family member once told me set in the 1980’s. A family member had begun a relationship with a Man that had been in the party scene and still worked in the music club scene as both a musician and bouncer from time to time. From the beginning there was one problem, a crazed psycho female that the Man had a short relationship with prior to that the deranged female proceeded to hone in and go after the Woman in a relationship with the Man. Over a 2 to 3 year period this psychotic deranged female did everything from essentially breaking & entering the apartment of the couple- saw my loved one’s dress and went ballistic over it… to their face, slashing the loved one’s tires, came at my loved one in an apartment laundry room while she was doing laundry…by way of climbing through a small window claiming the Woman “stole her (fair weather) boyfriend” whom my loved one had already had 2 children with at this time, the last straw was when the honed in on Woman was pregnant with their third child- late one night this psychotic deranged female rationalized sitting outside my loved one’s home with some girl friend in a car while the husband was working at a nightclub. This became where the husband went to the parents basically saying not only did they need to get this female some help but keep her away from his wife. That was it rightfully so.

The point I’m making in the true life story was when you’re dealing with the club, music, semi-fame, or fame scene in any form even if it’s not that - do not be surprised when drawing that from females that have been involved with them, are involved with them, or seek to be involved with them. That world doesn’t have nor draw the most savory nor well balanced beings. That’s why a lot of young people don’t hang in the party, club scenes, or mingle in it much anymore because that is what you will have come at you at some point. I have a cousin in law that was on a well known reality show and was in party realm for awhile, needless to say it has drawn it’s share of freaks former or wannabes. Don’t know for sure if they crossed paths with them or not but either way they posed a problem that we figure they probably saw them on that show which is what drew them to my family and people like that.. in a psycho not healthy way. I’ve witnessed females get so fixated on Men from that world they don’t know them personally may or may not have met them briefly and yet make up a whole scenario of a relationship that never was but that is a delusional mentality. It’s really lolo the things public figures of any sector can draw. Survivor leaders are no exceptions, we have are own brushes and true stories that are really freaky initial perpetration aside.

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince