It is common when any predator of any gender are to face consequences for their actions they start trying to create a facade that isn’t who they really are and that mask will slip off because like any poser the facade is a fake. Predators are posers and fronter’s, they front as something and someone they really aren’t. That is very common they begin trying to present an image that isn’t valid and it usually deteriorates quickly, it’s not who or what they are actually. Any predator of any gender does that. Con artists are also like that. Anyone of any basic cognitive basis can see right through the facade they’re putting on. Any ramifications it’s exciting to them like a 10 year old that loves drama and it makes them feel important even if their existence is over and been over. It’s like an exciting game and it’s apparent it is. That is why those types get an impish glint in their eyes like a mischievous sneaky 5 year old at anything chaotic or plotting, those types are narcopathic they get off on the excitement of it. If you google “Sneaky Memes” anyone will see the expression I speak of. All those types have it. That crap eating grin and mischievous look in their eyes. They think they’re cutesy, untouchable, bad, and whatever else until the reality of sharing a cell with Bubba or Bubbet sets in then it’s not a funny cutesy game anymore. Those types are like handling a 10 year old that didn’t have any home training and think they’re going to slither their way through life when reality is quite the opposite.