Con Artistry of Predators
Most predators are also chronic liars. They’ve lied so much they actually believe their cons and lies. Only the naive and or foolish believe anything they say or place out. They’re a fool troll that lives in a fool troll little world. They live in their delusional little world and only have those around themselves with people who are equally delusional and out of touch typically that feed their delusion. Anyone else they’re so chaotic and mental they cause the same in their lives or towards them. It’s like that criminal ,Luka Maggnota, that really had people believing online he was a celebrity he wasn’t. People like myself have been dealing with that type of delusional predatory nature for years by a psycho predator. Online they say they are all this, that, and the other when obviously they are not as they have nothing at all to show for it especially at this point in their ancient age. That right there alone would be obvious to any cognitive person. They’ve made up a delusional story about their existence and that’s the story they have gone by more or less that’s changed several times … meanwhile fellow psychos online feed and troll off of that. Off line as if it isn’t obvious online they’re most likely destitute and most likely live off of the state or taking money from people. They’re almost pathetic if not a danger to the public honestly. Anyone would say they’re probably if mentally ill at all severely paranoid schizophrenic, narcopathic, and delusional. Those type are like Charles Manson level of maniac obviously. Their family really needs to put them away from the public somewhere away from the public and fellow troll types need to stop feeding their delusional thinking as well as delusions of grandeur that honestly they embarrass themselves and everyone else with it. 🤷🏽♀️
For those who don’t know who ,Luka Maggnota, here is an up to speed on him by a brilliant Youtuber , iilluminaughtii.
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