I was posting on my social media predators be it sexual, Karens, Darens, etc have 0 concept of finalization of anything. They like being annoying and everyone to go “Oh God there they are again” before shouting “Security” or filing a report. Because any attention is better than none. They will destroy themselves to prove a point and attempt to achieve an evil end goal towards a subject of preying, harassment, or anything of the sort. They’re not cognitive nor very bright as formerly said. A subject of preying, harassment, etc could spit on them, curse them out, kick them, anything they don’t comprehend that. They are in their deluded state of unreality and warped perception. They see being revolted because of their behavior and annoyance as something else. They’re often narcopathic, they don’t read the room or when people obviously don’t want to be harassed by them. The only thing one track minded types like that comprehend is a facility or a prison cell..and even then it probably wouldn’t click. Mentally they’re not here and I would say even obtain a power kick out of people recoiling in revulsion. I actually received a text from a harasser several months ago which I’ve posted before it was about how some male they were chasing/textbook stalking rejected them and reacted to them in disgust. Well, most people will even the kindest people will after being harassed and chased around by any destructive basket case kind. It’s the Fatal Attraction complex and those who enable them are doing them no favors by enabling/jeering them on. Those types also don’t grasp when they’re being used as pawns by people who are fellow aholes and like to see them act a fool for entertainment or using them for other reasons. Truth is those that do won’t be anywhere to be seen when they’re paying for that type of well made aware unwanted behavior by either being involuntarily committed as they obviously can’t function in life or doing a prison stint based on their unwanted behavioral actions.