Concur to Disagree
I receive an amount of various ideologies in my feeds. I am of the informed opinion to not disrespect people because their fundamental beliefs are not yours. I am of the thought that if we are to obtain any semblance of unity in the west we must be willing for opposing political sides to speak to each other with respect and civility while holding opposing perceptions politically otherwise we will implode sooner than later. There was a similar notion I reposted previously some years prior of Israeli and Palestinian youths on a program hosted by Jubilee that adult people of America could glean knowledge from.
I have received a considerable number of content in my feeds from the likes of Candace Owens and Andrew Tate. I am weighing in on an interview in my feed.
Speaking on the west, to state a mainland Indigenous historian that was interviewed in the documentary titled “Everything Is Gonna Be All White” the end of the world (or what was referred to as the apocalypse in the interview) has occurred to us numerous times throughout history. We have been left out of that notion as far as the west is concerned despite the fact we have knowledge on this that predominate cultures of the west do not. A large majority of us are raised to hunt, fish, etc at some point not solely impart to our cultures but because we’ve been forced into a position of oppression therefore it is for our survival. Native lands are some of the most desolate, impoverished, lacking socioeconomically opportunities, quality healthcare, lacking in our non-traditional educational system, lacking justice of the violations of human rights committed upon us unceasingly, etc. I’ve spoken of this prior and we have never been a free people in the United States of America and certainly never been offered wealth. Matter of fact the system and the western attitudes have seemed to go out of its way in attempts to withhold it from us. The American dream was never ours to obtain. The closest is the Eastern Band of Cherokee in which the benefits and payouts are by far the most profitable compared to other Native tribes. That is why mainland Indigenous and Native Hawaiians have the most per capita of military personnel. The military offers opportunities and stability we frequently don’t receive otherwise. The issue of the West falling. The West is flimsy because it was built off the backs of slaves and the genocide of 100 million Indigenous people. The west is flimsy partially because of its lack of struggle of the predominant cultures (Non Native.) The West hasn’t dealt with war on American soil since the Civil War, ostentatious genocide rather than the genocide the west committed was subtle, wide spread poverty that there is no up from, etc. This leads me into the data inquiry. I worked in data and statistics pertaining to human rights, the numbers are ever fluctuating drastically, and disgracefully not any in authority gives a damn enough about cultures like Indigenous people that ironically enough are the most affected by human rights abuses to include us in that data. Data can’t be exact or possibly close to the reality nor severity of a situation partially because of that. These spoken of concepts are our reality but the abnormality of the predominate western culture. We have lived it, the dominant culture of the United States hasn’t. There was an Indigenous professor in the early 2000s I have spoken of that conducted a lecture based upon his publication titled “The Fall of the white man” that includes the western civilization. The lecture surrounded the notion of America eventually falling, predominant western culture, so and so forth.
The west was not built to withstand the end times as evident by the Bible. In the last days according to the Bible the west (America) is no longer standing. As for the end of the world, the Bible speaks of the incineration of the world (which would be the sun most likely) and the large metaphorical animal from the East (metaphorical of Russia and China.)
The issue of the corruption of our government and the perverted depravity in it that was discussed. When I began the work in the movement against the human trafficking of minors I was quickly introduced to the fact many of the most repugnant buyers of American children of color on the streets in Washington DC were Senators, Congressmen, so on and so forth. These “leaders” would propose bills and preach of their “morality” Republican, Democrat perversion has no party. They would step down off their platform drive to the track to purposefully buy a child for rape. We dealt with issues such as those that had been victimized that grew into lived experience activists that would walk into the Senate or Congress (the very building their perpetrators held positions) to speak on a bill pertaining to sex trafficking and their perpetrators would be in authority to vote on these bills and legislation.
I respectfully concur to disagree on the COVID virus. I can attest to having had it and associated with people, communities, etc that lost their lives in numbers as a result.
Time will tell what Trump’s term will bring.