Self Lack
Lack of talent and lack of ingenuity is what drives jockeying for position. People who are and belong in positions just are they don’t have to jockey for it in fact the more anyone jockeys for anything the more it conveys insecurity, the lack of merit, and lack of worthiness. There ought to be a catalog of types that are most disliked in society and will eventually lose credibility via quality decent people because obviously they weren’t raised any better. IE Predators of course, Brown nosers, jockeying fan-atics, deviants, harassers, etc etc. The reason is because they enact disdainful acts onto innocent people. Annoying is an understatement. Those types have no respect for anyone or thing when all is said and done. Aforesaid I don’t like people who harm others, commit an injustice on others, or do others dirty. No one of human anything does really. There was an on point article by Conscious Rethink that puts it quite well. These are the types to be avoided, ignored, not interacted with, and blocked in all respects from having access to you or life because they’re horrendous beings that will wreak havoc on your life aside from they’re annoying at the most minute level.
Courtesy of- A Conscious Think
It’s common knowledge but to those kind of warpos it’s not so common to them apparently because that is probably how they were raised and placated to do so. They were usually raised to be an a$$hole to be blunt.