Unabashedly Said
Having received the usual sexually harassing content I’m nearly certain at this point where it comes from throughout the day yesterday/already today, and the usual imp problems let out on a pass of the discombobulated imbecilic word salad yap to be blunt per usual thus having to file another FBI report and police report — I’m going to be overjoyed when they drag problems away at last where they need to be so they can’t do that kind of nefarious garbage anymore to decent stable people thank God. They obviously don’t live in the real world they dwell in make believe fantasy world. They don’t differentiate reality from fantasy. The day the said and provable harassment ceases I’m throwing a block party.
There was this film that starred Johnny Depp some years ago called “Secret Window” about this flew over the cookoo’s nest writer that would make up villainous if you will character’s in his head that didn’t exist. The first was a vengeful author that vehemently claimed he stole his book and relentlessly pursued the protagonist which yeah there are beings like that sure in the real world but this was an actual figment of imagination gone on the crazy train to nowhere then a few other imagination based characters came into play. Point being there are beings like that, their lives are really quite ordinary and mundane that aside from being disturbed they have to make up scenarios, cause them, and all these discombobulated stories… at others expense. They annoy or harass everyone else with their ravings. One can tell they’re not wrapped in their head. Lights on nobody home. They seek to make life more spectacular and exciting than is therefore their perception of life and people is altered they’re essentially a raving lunatic. It’s obvious they’re a lunatic by the way they act, the sh_ they do, mumble, everything about them. They’re pathetic to be blunt.
Like I’ve said there are beings that they can’t just get out of bed they have to make a dramatic dissertation of how they got out of bed with the grace of a pigeon, fell on their head, rolled down a flight of stairs, dislocated their leg, were attacked by a rabid Wolverine on bath salts harboring an arsenal that broke in then the Wolverine held them hostage demanding ransom money thus leaving them hemorrhaging and on the brink of immortality in the moonlight. 😄🙄
It’s like Oh Please drama mongers like that need to sit down and shut up.
Basically those types are melodramatic much like a 10 year old who makes up stories for attention wasting everyone’s lives and time on their ignorant BS they will find that will cost them in the reality. 🤷🏽♀️ This is why I couldn’t be a counselor not all of course but some patients I’d be more along the lines of “Oh Quit acting stupid you just want to wallow in your problems and drag everyone else down with you” because I have seen that before in the line of work where people just want to wallow in their dysfunctions as opposed to becoming a healthy non problem member in society.