Correction Isn’t Hatred
There was a publication about 13 years ago I’ve written on before over the years titled “The Narcissistic Epidemic: Living In The Age of Entitlement.
I was saying in my last post correction doesn’t equate hate. Hatred has an entire unfounded basis to it, it makes no meritable or reputable points as to why the behavior is a problem. It has no rhyme nor reason to it, it only flails as where correction has a valid basis to it. I took part in a TD Jakes symposium several months ago he was speaking on there are several generations that were raised that correction means you’re against the person or persons. No accountability and correction isn’t that, it is that accountability and personal responsibility for substandard behavior. If there is narcissism and a god/goddess complex involved inside a person or persons. To semi re-state what Dr. Cornel West once spoke of accountability is what love looks like in public. Not the romantic love way but love for human life and standing for righteousness. Without correction our world will continue to deteriorate. If we all really want a better world offenders need to place their egotism and narcissism aside to intake constructive criticism on their objectionable behaviors that injure innocent people. Injurious behaviors do not only affect the ones stricken by it but everyone. It is even more than about that solely. Such as with any behavior it boils over into Human Rights violations and perpetuating systemic behaviors that long needed to die because it is killing our world. The narcissism is destroying our world and everyone in it. Cultural shifts for the better begins with 1 and expands outwardly.
I had re-posted this song before over the last few years by Lyla June called “Time Traveler.” The lyrics and song it is commanding as well as certainly spot on.
Courtesy of- Emergence Magazine
Courtesy of- Band Camp
“This is insane.
Living for fame.
Living for the next quarter,
profits and gains.
You forgot love.
You forgot truth.
You forgot how to live for a time
beyond you.
It’s not about you.
It’s not about you.
It’s about the song that is
traveling through.
It travels through time.
Singers will die
but the song lives on
through matrilineal lines.
We are here
to give all our love
to the ones unborn.
Open your eyes.
Open your heart.
Draining aquifers before
they can recharge.
Stay humble or fall.
We don’t know it all.
And we are not exempt from
natural law.
Live selfishly
and the structure will fall.
But if we live for those unborn
then the song will go on.
It’s time to evolve or die.
It’s time to live this life right.
So that when our children look back,
they look back with pride.” Lyla June Time Traveler Excerpt