Crash and Burn: I’d Rather Watch Schindlers List
Me being thankful Sodom and Gomorrah face planted in views and didn’t trend anywhere whatsoever the entire night. Anything that placates to any predator or anyone who has anything to do with them deserves to face plant. The old timers of the network heads don’t seem to realize the new generation of Z’ers and younger Millennial want to tear that system down it’s choking it’s on it’s last breath because it’s a rancid representation of Brown and Black people for one Women especially for 2 they essentially employ and push those with no talent, 3 it’s against everything that our world is in 2022. Young people don’t give a crap about that meaninglessness anymore. The polls show Young People aren’t supporting that ultra elitist capitalistic polarization of the Have-Have-Nots. Those systems need to crash and burn indefinitely. Young people are honestly sick of seeing or hearing the hypocrisy of stupidity of it. That is why we are experiencing an up in an interest and successful forums for Indie, Theater, and Musicals. We don’t live in the era of 20 years ago. Youths are no longer impressed by the celebrity, TV, or Entertainment. They’re more intellectual and making sound discernment than throwing their money away as a consumer, chasing an image pushed on the tv screen that doesn’t operate in the real world. In the real world it will leave consumers broke, jobless, career-less, and lacking financial stability. The truth is the majority of these beings of now came from a silver spoon somewhere and already had those plugs before they were put on. Anything else they spit is an image. As the one Lady spoke on that left that realm it’s full of a bunch of criminals and liars. The studio heads and networks are losing the public… they just don’t seem to realize it. That whole system is based on the train wreck of it that young people are no longer interested in. Young people are interested in bettering the world, financial stability, culture… real culture not pop culture, etc etc. ::Shrugs:: I’d rather watch Schindler’s List than that sustance-less garbage to be entirely blunt.