Voicing Freedom
2 min readDec 19, 2021

Creep Crawlers

Repost from- BigBurke

It’s especially cringing when those kind of problems know everything a subject or subjects do, say, everything that’s sleuth wannabe detective crap. I know and have worked with real detectives they don’t infringe on peoples space, privacy, and laws like that. It’s sad off the wall crap honestly to harass and creep crawl on people that usually have blocked them every which way possible. Only criminals creep crawl and watch people like that not lawfully abiding anything. Everyone doesn’t watch to support some especially in internet land watch out of hatred, envy, or some other nefarious reason. I know one thing some colonizer or predatory type came up on me I’d lay them out I don’t like colonizers or predators that think they own everything, everything is their business and breaking the law while doing it, we have nothing in common. I don’t have anything to do with them. They are nothing to me. I’m pretty sure all psycho troll harasser creeper beings are quite deluded and don’t grasp the gravity of their actions. They live in their little bubble make believe world until reality catches up with them. If the blocked issues I’ve encountered disappeared today indefinitely I’d be so happy thank God. I hope they check themselves in for good away from people or just disappear indefinitely because I don’t care at all what happens to them as long as they never harass/lurk me or anyone who has anything to do with me again. That is my hope. Social media and tech would be a terrific place without beings like them. Can’t stand them, don’t like them, want nothing nothing to do with them. Every-time they harass me or attempt to insert themselves in my way or life I roll my eyes because we’re not in the same space at all. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Voicing Freedom
Voicing Freedom

Written by Voicing Freedom

Artivism, Human Rights,, Arts, Entertainment, and Brutal Honesty. “A Strong Spirit Transcends Rules.” Prince