Criminal Mentality
Compelling docuseries about the Cecil Hotel. Being someone who has personally and professional dealt with violent criminals, those capable of it, predators, their often Narcopathic Personalities, and the like for years I was posting on twitter it doesn’t cease to amaze the lack of remorse as well as total nonchalant such criminals have. Just complete cognitive dissonance and disconnect between how negative unhealthy they are towards others and how fantastic they believe themselves to be. They really do remind any cognitive healthy person of some being that could enact violence in some form with absolutely no conscience. Those without conscience are dangerous beings to be allowed out into the public because they are really capable of anything if left to their devices… basically just to look at them is creepy as hell. Some call this bad vibes. They give you that creep factor feeling let alone if they say and enact off the wall sentiments then yes anyone with sense can tell the elevator isn’t stopping on all floors if any. There was a character in the 1999 movie based on the 1993 memoir by Susanna Kaysen. The title of both was “Girl Interrupted” the character’s name was Lisa (as played by Angelina Jolie in the film adaption.) For those who haven’t read the Memoir or seen it her character was not only a diagnosed ,Sociopath, but along with it cold and conscienceless as could be for her often calculating mentality, couldn’t be trusted whatsoever, typical bully that used intimidation to basically place herself in some kind of head ,Mean Girl, domineering social position based on awareness of her vindictive nature. Entirely volatile, very opportunistic, not 1/2 as smart as she thought herself to be however, loved attention, antagonistic, got off on digging at people, melodramatic, harbored a persecution complex despite her often cruel streak towards others, and would lie at the drop of a dime ... as sociopaths have a habit of doing. In today’s psychology a real life Lisa would probably be diagnosed as Psychopathic and or Narcopathic because Sociopaths alone do actually have feelings and guilt as where psychopaths have little if any. They really don’t feel anything other than what glib sense of emotions that can’t be considered genuine whatsoever. Up until the conclusion she was quite proud of how she turned out. Her character basically had to snap entirely before that arrogant cold lost in their mental and emotional state was entirely removed. In the end (spoiler) she wound up literally locked down and strapped down in an insane asylum having found out that the world wasn’t going to put up with her psychopathic detrimental actions towards others. In reality they all have that Resentful-Can’t-Be-Underestimated-Always-Conniving-Some-Eerie-Plot -Towards-People look in their eyes. That something isn’t quite right with them let alone anything they say and or act out. If they’re under a substance of some kind it only acerbates that in an already reckless danger to the public. Also, another insightful work in film.
I went on to say this is exactly why celebrities have security and Human Rights Leaders have law and or security present because there are too many malicious beings out there that would hurt people if given the chance or emboldened to.