Cruel Intentions
“She’s really getting to you isn’t she?” Cruel Intentions
“Yes I can’t stand that holier than thou BS but yet I’m completely infatuated with her and don’t know what to do about it.” Sebastian Cruel Intentions
I’ve spoken of the film before called ,Cruel Intentions, from 1999 that had moral points to it. The plot is drawn from the 1782 publication Les Liaisons. The plot goes basically 2 spoiled privileged deviant Jezebel imps one male by the name of Sebastian (portrayed in the film by Ryan Phillippe) one female by the name of Kathryn (portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar) who savor in their malevolent twisted wagers and psycho socially backward atypical pseudo olympics in which people are the prey in their games of conquest.
Courtesy of- Amazon
The demon pair prey are one young Girl by the name of ,Cecile, who is quite innocent and childlike the other is a devout of faith young Woman by the name of ,Annette, who is to be deflowered as a challenge and the subject of the wager.
“Everyone likes me and I plan to keep it that way.” Kathryn Cruel Intentions
The character of ,Kathyrn, poses as an upstanding citizen in her social circle in order to benefit from her saccharined insidious act when all the while she is a full out trickster and 1/2 as Sebastian is as well except he is much more openly detested as everyone is aware of his equally machiavellian equally vindictive ways. In reality and especially in 2020’s that kind of criminal slinking does not fly in the adult real world. Real life cruel intention foolishness either end up in prison, screw around enough to find out exactly what occurs in the real world when messing with most people, or as what occurs in the end, face down somewhere because the wicked get theirs eventually. Actual ,Cruel Intentions, frequently comes at a cost of warrants, lawsuits, and totally backfires otherwise.
“I’ve been very well informed of your reputation. You promise Girls the world to get them in bed with you.” Annette Cruel Intentions
The truth is there are categories of beings like that in real life, they’re incredibly glib and superficial. Everything they do or profess has a twisted undertone to it.
“We’ve done some f’d up sh_ in our time but this is… we’re destroying an innocent Girl you do realize that?”
“It’s alright for guys like you to f everyone but when I do it I get dumped for innocent little twits like Cecile. God forbid I exude confidence and like sex. Do you think I relish the fact I have to act like Mary sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady? I’m the Marsh-f’ing-Brady of the upper east side and I want to kill myself. So tell me are you in or are you out?” Kathryn Cruel Intentions
The category of semi-human mentality in reality basically abhor anything of actual uprightness, purity, or anything else. These are the types who seek to extort, sextort, sexually assault, and or entirely deceive others. Their MO is to corrupt and destroy anything that isn’t like them.
“It amazes me someone as charming as you can be so manipulative. What was my favorite part (a letter of caution she received before arriving in NYC from a peer) oh right- Even more treacherous than he is attractive, he has never uttered a single word without some dishonorable intention. Every woman he has successfully pursued has regretted it. Stay away from him.” Annette Cruel Intentions
The moral of the story is deviant games reap deviant rewards. Never take up with a Jezebel or tie yourself to one in any way of any gender. What goes around comes around, you reap what you sow in real life. What occurs in real life such as with Sebastian’s character is he was caught in his own game Kathryn’s character also was… except in an unrepentant sense unlike Sebastian who took accountability but as psycho’s like that in real life as Kathryn referred to all their demonic Jezebelishness as “fun.” As they say “It’s all fun and games” until someone winds up in prison or face down. That’s the reality of those kind of wicked hi-jinks, they can only backfire.
“I took pleasure in others misery (that he caused.)” Sebastian
Courtesy of- Musical Essence