Cyberspace Land
When it comes to cyberspace land the problems that can come with it, lurkers that frankly are restraining order material, etc that want to constantly get at the subjects of obvious preoccupation just ignore the losers that are basically their own hype person between them and their pseudo acquaintances online that usually don’t even know them in real life. They just sit and push delusions of grandeur of “I’m so important and smarter than everyone else. I am better than you” when truth is nobody takes advice from their chosen stupidity let alone really likes them in real life. Such as with any bullying type a cyber bully or even cyber stalker has never grown past the bully on the playground nobody likes in real life for a reason. Within a year or 2 their nonsense will matter even less than it does now to be totally honest. Those kind live online and that’s about it. When the social media they overuse putting way too much stock & time into it crashes (and it will at some point every social media platform has it’s moment until the next app comes about) it’ll matter even less. It will be a harsh reminder how little they have as a person, their immense character flaws they refuse to deal with, and really just what crummy individuals they are. Those who are addicted to social media gives those who overuse and misuse it a high like a dope head gets from using dope. If your only purpose of using social media is to get at someone, make someone miserable, annoy, taunt, bully others off social media, or literally lurk/stalk them you’re an addict and need to get some serious help. If the only reason you’re using it is to hassle people who don’t even know you or care that speaks for itself. Social media makes users feel untouchable and like they’re more important than they actually are. Half the antics they get away with online would not and does no go far in person because they would either end up in jail or even a mental hospital depending. A decent amount of times they’re addicted to various things aside from social media, and dysfunctional. That is why the component that is often seen with misusers is they have never been able to hold down any kind of reputable life, career, or stability. All they have is the internet and antics. The internet can be a tool used for great things but those such as described only utilize it for harm and to “Get back” at people who usually didn’t even do anything to them or even know them. They hide in social media as a distraction because they don’t want to admit how messed up their real life is. Instead of changing their life they just dig themselves deeper into the illegitimacy of the internet life which looks nothing like real life.