Delightful… Again
I’m one of these people if I have gotten nothing but bad vibes and problems by way of you I’ll flat out tell you aside from just avoid you. I’ll tell you exactly what I think of you and not care. Better that than be a brown noser. There are beings in life they just use people whoever whatever whenever and somehow people like myself are pulled into it and have issues come at us because of it. To beings like that people are either dollar signs, a toy, or basically a joke they just use to make a point nobody really cares about thus wants to be left alone from. Again to anyone it appertains to, if you have any female canine in your life that looks and about as empty as Re Re Delightful from Kingdom Come, a Pincherman, or Lawanda mystrian looking beings DO NOT come anywhere around me like that. I don’t want that trash in my life or problems from it because I know what dogs like that are and the types of issues they bring. And for the record none is better than the other, they are all exactly the same. I don’t like those types of morons and I really don’t care who they think they are. They’re Jezebel vibes all around. There’s a reason I stay away from beings like that even if they’ve been all around me and honestly somebody had to have pointed me out on something I’ve got nothing to do with OR they have me mistaken for someone else. I don’t mingle with beings like that never have. There was an intelligent young Lady of color by the way I knew who put it like this “These n__s want to talk about ‘The Crazy Ex’ but in our community the real question is what did you do to them to make them crazy? It can’t be all of them.” She had issues just as much as I have from lolo females coming at me over some trifling whatnot that we had nothing to do with like that. Whatever the case maybe I don’t want to be harassed day in day out with things like porn sent to me by probably some female some trifling low class self professed n__ with a bad rep and obviously low character traits did something to and somehow I was pulled into it. Not to mention I’ve gotten bad vibes from anyway for awhile like I personally did something to them when I don’t know them at all never met them nothing — best guess probably because I wouldn’t fall for whatever crap they or someone in their camp were trying to pull or fly off somewhere to screw them. I’m better than that, not me, not my style, not my type of people. When I utilized the example of the character of ,Sorsha, that was a pretty accurate description. These people need some real spiritual,emotional, and whatever else help. I don’t want to be put in anyone’s mess at all. Go someplace else with it go war with each other being ignorant simpletons not at me. I don’t get down like that. ::Shrugs::