Delusional May Be Maniacal
Always keep in mind delusional beings live in a delusional world. Delusional’s live in make believe land that has little to no validity. Everything those types do or profess are delusionally based as well as conveyed in an erratic form thus may also be maniacal. What makes those types most anent is the fact their complete lack of guilt or remorse. That is a potentially diabolical being that can enact all kinds of evil and have no remorse whatsoever. This is where the world experiences the hitlers, pol pots, serial killers, sexual predators of any kind, etc. Those types all have the what is call the “Dark Triad Personality.” All of those types have that appearance in their gaze, they all have that expression like Hitler, Ricardo Ramirez or what was proudly known as the B__ of Bergin Belsen.
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Anyone who has that gaze needs to be steer cleared of because they really are capable of anything. They don’t look at people they glare and creep people out.
Courtesy of- Wikipedia
Aside from maniacal tendencies the way those types perceive things is not the way it actually is. Everything is overblown and made into something it is not, they over react to everything and anything in one form or another. It is best to never interact with those types in any form because any interaction is invitation to access to you they are not owed.